Cranial Facial Release Technique

Even as a chiropractor, you may have never heard of cranial facial release technique, or CFR. However, this non-invasive technique is gaining popularity among chiropractors and patients alike as a way to relieve a variety of conditions related to the head, neck, and face.

What is Cranial Facial Release Technique?

Cranial facial release technique is a gentle, manual therapy that aims to restore the proper alignment and function of the bones and tissues in the head, neck, and face. This technique is based on the principle that the bones of the skull are not fused together but are instead connected by sutures that allow for slight movement.

During a CFR session, the chiropractor will apply a small balloon to the patient's nostrils and inflate it to create a vacuum. This vacuum helps to release any pressure or tension in the nasal passages and sinuses, which can have a positive effect on the alignment of the cranial bones.

Benefits of Cranial Facial Release Technique

CFR has been shown to be effective in relieving a variety of conditions, including:

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Sinusitis and allergies

  • Chronic congestion

  • TMJ disorders

  • Facial pain

  • Vertigo and dizziness

  • Post-concussion syndrome

  • Sleep apnea

CFR can also help to improve overall well-being by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

What to Expect During a CFR Session

A typical CFR session lasts about 30 minutes. During the session, the chiropractor will apply the balloon to the patient's nostrils and inflate it to create a vacuum. The patient may feel a slight pressure or sensation in their sinuses as the vacuum is created, but the procedure is generally painless.

After the balloon is removed, the chiropractor may use gentle massage or manipulation techniques to further release tension and pressure in the head, neck, and face.

It's important to note that CFR is not a one-time fix. Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results.

Is CFR Right for You?

If you're experiencing any of the conditions listed above, cranial facial release technique may be an effective treatment option for you. However, as with any medical procedure, it's important to consult with a licensed chiropractor to determine if CFR is right for you.

Find CFR Practitioner

CFR practitioners are highly skilled and have taken additional course work to be able perform the technique safely. Not all chiropractors are trained or certified to perform CFR. To find a CFR doctor visit or use the link below.



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