Chiropractic for the Culture.

As a black American Chiropractor, I believe it is my responsibility to translate my knowledge of health and wellness into the language and culture of the communities I serve.

ChiroJunky was created to promote chiropractic and to educate black and other underserved minority groups on the benefits of including chiropractic as part of their healthcare regimen.

Chiropractors are uniquely suited to help eliminate the health disparities that exist in the black community. With nearly 70% of the difference in mortality rates between black Americans and white Americans due to preventable causes, educating the community on habits for prevention may have a great impact. Chiropractors can help close the health disparity gap simply by keeping people healthier in the first place. Research shows that patients under chiropractic care often have better outcomes and greater satisfaction than comparable medical patients(1 , 2).

The nature of chiropractic allows for us to form relationships with our patients that is unique from any other health care provider. As we spend the most time with our patient, we have greater ability and responsibility to influence our community in the habits of prevention and healthy lifestyles. While the utilization of chiropractic has increased among the general population, the utilization amongst black Americans has hovered around 1% for more than two decades, it’s ChiroJunky’s mission to change that

As Chiropractors, our vibe is just different and it can be felt by our patients.

Our Mission

ChiroJunky exists to transform the health of the culture through chiropractic care.