Frequently Asked Chiropractic Questions:

  • What is chiropractic?

    Chiropractic is a philosophy, science and art that focuses on improving the way the body functions by removing spinal misalignments that negatively impacts the nerve system. The chiropractic philosophy revolves around the notion that the power that made the body, heals the body. Chiropractors know the body is infinitely intelligent, but environmental forces sometimes hinder that intelligence from expressing itself fully. The science of chiropractic states that spinal misalignment (called subluxations) impact the function of the nerve system, which regulates and coordinates all body functions. The chiropractic art is the chiropractic adjustment, which is utilized to normalize spinal misalignments.

  • Are chiropractors real doctors?

    The short answer is yes. Chiropractors spend four years in chiropractic school to become doctors of chiropractic. Chiropractors also have to pass a four-part board examination, that includes a practical, in order to be licensed to practice. Though chiropractors do no undergo a traditional residency, all chiropractic students are required to do an internship or clinical rotation prior to graduation. Many of the classes chiropractors take are similar to a traditional medical school curriculum, but as chiropractors look at the body from more vitalistic perspective than medical doctors, the chiropractic curriculum can differ.

  • What can a chiropractor do for headaches?

    The greatest majority of primary headaches are associated with muscle tension in the neck. Today, Americans engage in more sedentary activities than in the past, and more hours are spent in one fixed position or posture (such as sitting in front of a computer). This can increase joint irritation and muscle tension in the neck, upper back and scalp, causing your head to ache.

    Research shows that chiropractic adjustments may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck. A 2011 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics study found that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, can improve migraine and cervicogenic (orginating from the neck) headaches.

  • Can chiropractic have any affect on fever?

    Chiropractors know that fevers are more of a sign of health than sickness. When one feels feverish, it is your body’s natural defense against agents that are trying to make you sick. During this time chiropractic adjustments, though not a cure, will allow the body and nerve system to function more efficiently.

    Though it may feel counterintuitive to go to the chiropractor when you are feeling sick, as to not infect anyone, chiropractic care may improve your healing by helping your body work to its maximum capacity.

  • What is the chiropractic cracking noise?

    When you receive a chiropractic adjustment, depending on the technique used by the doctor, you may hear a pop or cracking sound. For some, that sound makes them apprehensive to adding chiropractic as part of their healthcare routine. If that is you, know there are several chiropractic techniques that don’t produce that sound when performed. Chiropractors utilize a variety of instruments and techniques.

    The sound is actually the change of pressure of gas within the joint capsule, as the joint moves. As the gas is released, it creates the noise associated with adjustment. In my practice, I call is a “joint or bone burp.”

  • Can you injure someone from a chiropractic adjustment?

    The short answer is Yes. Chiropractors, however, undergo years of school and training to minimize the potential risk associated with adjustment. Let’s keep it real, there are risks associated with every medical or healthcare procedure, but the risk associated with chiropractic adjustment, done by a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic is relatively small. One of the greatest things about chiropractic is that we aren’t removing anything from your body, as in surgery. Nor are we putting anything into your body, as in medicine. Simply by using our hands (or instrument), we are allowing the body to function better, therefore you feel better.

  • Can babies be adjusted?

    The short answer is yes. In fact, it is recommended by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association that every newborn child be checked for spinal misalignments that can have a negative effect on the nerve system.

    Though most chiropractic programs include classes involving treatment of pediatric patients, chiropractors may take additional specialized classes in order to further their knowledge of pediatrics.

    The pediatric adjustment differs from the adult adjustment in that it is more gentle and usually doesn’t “crack”. Often time chiros use their pinkies to perform newborn adjustment.

  • Why would a baby need to go to the chiropractor?

    No matter how you choose to bring your little one into the world, the birth process can be difficult. In traditional hospital births, the use of inventions like forceps and vacuums or complications like long labor times and malpositions puts stress on the baby that may impair optimal function of the nerve system.

    Chiropractic care for infants may improve digestion, latching issue, colic, abnormal crawl patterns and generally soothes the child’s nerve system. For more information about Chiropractic for newborns, check out the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. They have great research and resources.

  • Can I go to the chiropractor if I'm pregnant?

    The short answer is yes. Chiropractic is safe and effective during your pregnancy. In fact, there are more contraindications to being adjusted while pregnant than a non-pregnant person. Chiropractic adjustments help align the pelvis and create the optimal space for the developing baby. Many chiropractors who work with pregnant patients practice a technique called Webster’s Technique which was designed with pregnant persons in mind. Webster’s technique helps to lessen the causes of dystocia, difficult labor, ensuring the pregnant person has enough power from the nerve system to push effectively and provide enough room in the pelvis for the baby to maneuver into the best position for birth and down the birth canal.

  • Do I need a referral to see a chiropractor?

    The short answer is no. Chiropractors are trained portal of entry, primary care providers (though some may not function in that capacity), which means you do not need a referral from any other health care provider to see a chiropractor.

    If your issue is outside the scope of chiropractic, a good chiropractor can may the appropriate referral(s) to other providers in order to get you well.

  • Why do athletes use chiropractic?

    Professional athletes rely on routine chiropractic care as a non-invasive, safe, natural, drug-free option to relieve pain, injury prevention, and to enhance performance. A sports chiropractic provider works with athletes to help them stay at the top of their game.

  • Does insurance cover chiropractic care?

    The short answer is yes. Many insurance policies do include chiropractic benefits. It may be difficult, however, to find a chiropractor in your network. Because of the low scheduled rates some chiropractors receive from insurance companies for their services, many chiropractors have opted out of accepting insurance.

    If you are looking for a chiropractor that is in network with your insurance, your best bet is to check your insurances website for in-network doctors.

  • Should I go to the chiropractor even when I'm not in pain?

    Feelings can be misleading, just because you aren’t experiencing pain does not mean that you and your spine is healthy. A doctor of chiropractic will access you and determine whether treatment is needed during that visit. ChiroJunky recommends that everyone should have their spine checked by a chiropractor AT LEAST four times a year, whether you are in pain or not.

  • How do I become a chiropractor?

    First, welcome to the best profession in the world. Secondly, to become a doctor of chiropractic, you must attend an accredited chiropractic college or university. Most schools require you to have an undergraduate degree in order to be accepted. Majoring in majors such as biology, pre-med, kinesiology, nutrition, sports education, and athletic training will be helpful in preparing you for chiropractic school. Some chiropractic school have pre-chiro programs that filter into the chiropractic college.

    Chiropractic school is usually 3.5-4 years which includes classes in natural sciences, chiropractic science, philosophy and technique, clinical diagnoses, nutrition, radiology, toxicology and an internship. In order to be licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic you must pass a four-part board examination.