Dr. Ty Allen

Omni Wellness Center

Charlotte, NC

Omni Wellness Center

10220 Couloak Dr.

Charlotte, NC 28216

(704) 392-9999

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Why did you become a chiropractor?

I became a Chiropractor after growing up wanting to be a PT. I absolutely LOVED my PT but being a student athlete WITH scoliosis (30 degree curvature)—I had no relief. I was prescribed medication and even recommend to have surgery. After my mom shot that down, we searched for alternative options that didn’t require a 16year old to undergo surgery or become addicted to pain meds. I become a chiropractor b/c this option did not rely on the use of medicine or drugs, it addressed the root cause of why I was experiencing this at such a young age.

What is your chiropractic philosophy?

The power that made the body, heals the body.

What Chiropractic techniques do you utilize? Any additional treatments, modalities?

Diversified, Activator, Thompson, Webster, Instrumentation (Impulse and Arthostim) Mechanical traction, electrical stimulation, vibracussor, Graston

What would you say is your niche/speciality?

I treat anyone with a spine (from womb to tomb) but I do have a special place for pregnant women and children because "its easier to build strong children than repair broken adults.

That forms of payment do you accept? Insurance? Which ones?

Cash and most major insurances. 

Anything else you would like potential clients to know about you or your practice?

Our name, “Omni,” means all-encompassing. At our practice, you’ll get just that—a wide range of options for your healing. We want to change health care. It’s our aim to give people options for their bodies to heal without resorting to opioids and other serious or invasive methods. We’re also a place where your entire family can get the care they need!